
Friday, September 20, 2019

I've learned some Italian.

Si - Yes.
No - No.
Per favore - Please.
Grazie - Thank you.
Prego - Your welcome.
Mi scusi - Excuse me.
Mi dispiace - I am sorry.
Buon giorno - Good morning.
Buon sera - Good evening.
Buon notte - Good night.
Italian phrases for meeting and greeting 
Parla Inglese - Do you speak English?
C'e qualcund che parla Inglese? - Does anyone here speak English?
Mi dispiace, ma non parlo bene l'italiano - Sorry I don't speak Italian very well.
So soltanto un po' di Italiano - I only speak a little Italian.
Come si chiama, lei? - What is your name.
Mi chiama Lauryn - My name is Lauryn.
Le presento ... - This is ...
Come sta - How are you.
Sto bene, grazie - I'm fine thank you.
Piacere - I'm pleased to meet you.
E stato un piacere conoscerla - It was nice to meet you.
Non capisoo - I don't understand.
Scusi, che cosa ha detto - Excuse me what did you say.
Puo parlae lentamente - Could you speak more slowly.
Capisco benissimo - I understand perfectly.
Buona giornata - Have a nice day.
More Italian
Settimana - Week.
Ci sono sette giorni in una settimana - There are seven day's in a week.
Anno - Year.
Un anno - One year.
Oggi - Today.
Domani - Tomorrow.
Domani pomeriggio - Tomorrow afternoon.
Iere - Yesterday.
Leri mi sono preso un giorno libero - I took a day off yestereday.
Calendario - Calendar.
Seconda - Second.
Ora - Hour.
Minuto - Minute.
Fare - Do.
Andare - Go.
Andare dritto - Go strait ahead.
Venire - Come.
Ridere - Laugh.
Preparare - Make.
Vedere - See.
Lontano - Far.
Piccolo - Small.
Molto piccolo - Very small.
Buono - Good.
Bello - Beautiful.
Brutto - Ugly.
Buongiorno - Goodmorning / good day.
Buona giornata - Have a good day.
Buon pomeriggio - Good afternoon from noon to 6 pm.
Buonsera - Good evening used after 6 pm.
Buona serata - Good night when wishing someone to have fun out.
Buonanotte - Good night when going to bed.
Ciao - Hello.
Arrivederci - Goodbye to one person or a group.
Arrivederla - Goodbye to only one person.
Ci vediamo - See you.
Che giorno e oggie - What day is it today?
Lunedi - Monday.
Martedi - Tuesday.
Mercoledi - Wednesday.
Giovedi - Thursday.
Venerdi - Friday.
Sabato - Saturday.
Domenica - Sunday.
Gennaio - January.
Febbraio - February.
Marzo - March.
Aprile - April.
Maggio - May.
Giugno - June.
Luglio - July.
Agosto - August.
Settembre - September.
Ottobre - October.
Novembre - November.
Dicembre - December.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Literacy Blog

Ah so literacy I have been learning quite a bit so last week on Monday my whole literacy group got a piece of paper that was rectangle. And it had what we need to finish by 2 weeks I've almost finished all the things that we need ta do so that's that. I did my thing last week and by thing I mean a spelling test there was 20 words and I only got 20 out of 20 its alright. So I got all of them so I started my literacy blog but I only did about 4 sentances cause I didnt finishing it cause I would rather do dodge ball than writing about work but writing about anything is probably better than dodge ball only about 1 percent more tho. After that we did more literacy well we didn't but I did cause I felt like writing about nothing important cause I always do that. I either write about nothing or I draw about nothing. So my class has also been doing this new thing called word art its alright so all ya gotta do is get your spelling list from this week and pick out five words and draw the words sepirate tho and u need to write what the drawing is in the drawing somewhere. So that's my story for today.